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We offer a wide range of services that will allow you to help your dog live its best life!


  • Potty training

  • crate training

  • new puppy Issues

  • Basic obedience

  • problem solving for difficult behaviors

  • Basic agility

  • anxiety

  • aggression

  • Tricks

  • Helping Children interact with dogs

  • Socialization/Desensitization

  • Brain Games

  • Prep for Canine Good Citizen Tests or Therapy Dog Testing

  •  Basic Service Dog Skills **

  • Dog Massage



  • Getting ready for a puppy/dog

  • Children and dogs

  • CPR/First Aid Class

  • Dognition-Dog Intelligence testing

  • Puppy Aptitude Testing (Volhards)

* Prices vary training or classes.


All potential clients must complete questionnaire and consultation meeting prior to first training session.  Payment for agreed upon training package is due at the consultation meeting. A typical starting package includes the consultation and 6 training sessions which last about 45-60 min. Prices start at $65 per session.


Classes are scheduled based on interest and price is determined by topic, location, and duration of class.


**We are not equipped for or certified to fully train service dogs at this time.

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